Bionico Parfait: A Perfect Pleasing Whole Fruit Classic

Whole fruit acai bowl classics are trendy and delicious. What started out as a fad has become an American mainstay. Bionico parfait is one of the most popular options of acia bowls and rightly so. It’s scrumptious!
What are Acai Bowls?
Acai are fruit that resemble grapes. They taste delicious and have a naturally sweet flavor that reminds many people of tropical fruit. Native to Brazil, acai have a short shelf life so aren’t found in many stores. Acai bowls can be found at juice bars and other health-oriented establishments though.
An acai bowl is basically a supercharged smoothie made from acai as the main ingredient. It is typically pureed and comes with whatever trimmings are desired such as
Acai bowls are extremely healthy. They are overflowing with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. In fact, they are classified as superfoods because they are so good for you. They promote heart health, and like berries and wine, are high in anthocyanins which is a special type of antioxidant that helps balance cholesterol levels. They also contain sterols that protect the heart, support circulation, and improve the blood’s quality.
History of the Acai Bowl
The history of acai bowls no doubt goes back well before any recorded record of it. Acai grows throughout the Amazon basin on palm trees. The berry was a vital source of food for people in the area who probably added palm hearts and various other healthy foods to servings of acai.
When the US began to focus on healthier foods in 1970 and after, frozen acai pulp started to be imported in small amounts. But it was Brazilian Jujitsu founder Carlos Gracie who popularized the superfood in the 80s when he promoted it as a tonic of sorts for his fighters. The practice caught on and became popular.
The acai bowl trend began a little later, in 2000 when Americans turned by the groves to organic food. Southern California and Hawaiians were among the first to partake. The bowls were loaded with flavor, nutrients, and superpowers. What wasn’t to love?
Today, acai bowls are eaten for a kickstart breakfast, for a pick-me-up at mid-day, and to celebrate making it through another day in the evening. They are not only healthy but are also beneficial for maintaining a good weight. Athletes and those who work out often eat them in before or after workouts.
Whole Fruit Acai Bowl Classics
Whole fruit is a common ingredient in acai bowls. Some of the most popular are considered whole fruit acai bowl classics. Some of the most beloved fruits that go into a whole fruit acai bowl classic include:
Whole Fruit Acai Bowl Classic:
- Apple
- Mango
- Banana
- Papaya
- Strawberry
- Melon
Other healthy food options in an acai bowl:
- Granula
- Nuts
- Almonds
- Raisins
Bionico Parfait Acai Bowl
A Bionico Parfait Acai Bowl is perhaps the most favored of all acai bowls. It is made with house cream, sometimes yogurt, and other healthy foods. It has a Mexican flair which is another reason it’s become such trendy whole fruit acai bowl classic. People can’t get enough of the creamy, sweet taste.
Vegan Acai Bowls
Vegan acai bowls are very popular. While fruit is naturally free of any meat source or contamination, a vegan acai bowl ensures that no ingredient came into contact with meat. Sometimes, juices are put through an anti-clouding method that utilizes gelatin. Vegan bowls do not contain any gelatin.
Gluten Free Acai Bowls
Gluten free acai bowls have no gluten and have not come into contact with any gluten products. Some people are super sensitive to gluten which is something that is strictly upheld in gluten free varieties of acai bowls.
Weight Loss Acai Bowls
Some acai bowls contain only ingredients that are conducive to loosing weight or at least not putting pounds on. Grapefruit, acai, and other fruits that use or burn calories are generally on the ingredient list.
Antioxidant Acai Bowls
You can order special acai bowls full of fruits and other ingredients that are rich in antioxidants. These bowls are especially valuable when you are running on empty, need an energy boost, or feel illness trying to come on.
What’s in Your Bowl?
If your bowl isn’t full of acai and all the other super healthy foods that go into a whole fruit acai bowl classic, you’re missing out – on flavor and nutrition.