Healthy Fruit Juice Bar: All About Juicing

You may have noticed that juice bars are popping up everywhere. They are quickly becoming wildly popular and with good reason. Not only is the fresh juice served at them tasty, but it can also do a lot of amazing things for your health too.
The US fruit juice market is a growing industry topping out at 141 billion this past year and projected to reach 182 billion in 2027. For a growing number of consumers, not just any juice will do, however. The trend is leaning heavily toward specially formulated juices served at fresh juice bars.
Benefits of Healthy Fruit Juice and Other Fresh Juices
One of the main reasons juices are so popular is because they are so healthy. Any juice that is 100% fruit juice is classified in the fruit group. Likewise, juices consisting of 100% vegetable juice are part of the veggie group. Some of the many benefits of fresh juice include:
- High concentration. You would be hard pressed to be able to eat enough fruits and vegetables to equal the compressed nutrients you get from their fresh juice. The FDA recommendation of 2 to 4 servings of fruit and 3 to 5 servings of veggies per day can be a tall order. Condensing the servings into fresh juice makes it a lot easier to meet those goals.
- Getting those greens down. Three in four Americans admit they don’t eat enough greens in their diet. Greens assist your body in absorbing calcium and are packed with Vitamins C and A and antioxidants. They also contain chlorophyll which regulates Vitamin D and calcium. Greens promote digestive health and are also anti-cholesterol agents. Green juice commonly contains an ample dose of greens but has other juices mixed in – like apple juice – to make getting a green blend not only nutritious, but delicious too.
- Medicinal value. Many juices have healing properties that promote health and cure illnesses. From glowing skin to fighting off chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer, super immunity juice concoctions containing medicinal ingredients like kelp, ginger, spinach, apple, and more.
- Fantastic for fat burning. Fresh juice bars often offer weight loss formulations derived from innovative blends of fat burning ingredients such as grapefruit, cucumber, and pineapple that are designed to curb your appetite while providing nutrients to keep you active. By filling up on juices from healthy foods that aid in weight loss, you are much less likely to cheat on your diet.
- Fountain of youth. When properly prepared using certain ingredients, fresh juices can help turn back the hands of time. Juice from healthy foods works wonders for anti-aging purposes like carrots with Vitamin A for vision and skin health, cucumbers with enzymes that reduce scarring and pigmentation, and beets that regenerate cells and strengthen the skin’s elasticity, so it doesn’t sag.
- Elevates energy. If you feel you are running on empty, you’re not alone.In a recent poll, 3 out of 5 people said they feel tired on a constant or near constant basis. Seventy-five percent of them admit they wake up tired, even after 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Ginger is a superfood that acts as an energizer to give you stamina to not only survive, but to thrive. Carrots are excellent sources of energy too because they are chocked full of vitamins and nutrients – like magnesium that promotes production of energy from carbohydrates. They are low on the glycemic index which means the energy they provide is steady and long lasting. Fruits and greens are great natural energizers too.
- Gets digestive juices flowing. Digestion detox is the first step to great gut health. Celery is one of the best foods for cleansing the digestive system, especially the liver because it’s a major alkaline food. It’s also packed full of vitamins and minerals. Carrots help the gut by aiding bile secretion. Apples contain malic acid which supports liver health and aids in digestion.
- Stress busters. When life gets stressful, certain juices offer a calming effect. The sedative and analgesic properties of wild lettuce that were medicinally used centuries ago are being rediscovered. Kiwi, apples, limes, and other fruit with high Vitamin C levels can tackle depression almost immediately and they also boost immunity, aid in digestive health, and serve as anti-inflammatory agents.
- See the situation clearly. Several juice ingredients, like carrots, are excellent for the health of your eyes. The beta-carotene in carrots converts into Vitamin A which is needed to maintain good vision. Oranges and other Vitamin C-packed fruits and vegetables are also nurture eye health.
- Get well…stay well. Super immunity foods like tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, oranges, and carrots promote health and wellness.
What we put into our bodies is without a doubt what we get out of them. Fueling your body with healthy foods makes you look and feel better. At Nevera Juice Bars, we make pumping up your fruit and veggie intake easy to accomplish with our delicious fresh juice. From healthy tonics like our Green Juice and Green Blend to specialty blends such as our Anti-Aging and Fat Burner tonics, we are passionate about bringing you the freshest, tastiest juice, revitalizing shots, smoothies, bowls, and healthy meals.