How A Juice Bar in Whittier Provides Fresh Juice to its Patrons

Whittier residents are celebrating the arrival of a brand new establishment – Nevera Juice Bar. While Whittier has been evolving as a health conscious city with plenty of gyms, wide open green space to enjoy outdoor recreation, and a sprinkling of martial arts and yoga facilities, it hasn’t had all the options like a juice bar provides. Even the healthy food and drink places don’t always offer juice and certainly not with all the choices Nevera has.
History of Fresh Juice and Juicing
Juicing has been a thing for centuries, but it was always a painstaking task that required fruit to be strained in order to yield its fresh juice Some of the earliest recorded accounts date back to before 150 bc when the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed mashed figs and pomegranates produced great healing benefits.
Through the ages, health practitioners and herbalists have ground, grated, and hand squeezed soft fruits and even pressed them in contraptions to produce active constituents that serve to nourish and heal the body.
The way ancient society used juice was nothing short of incredible…and wise. In areas like India and Peru, a medicinal product called svarash was made using fresh juice, extracted fruits, greens, roots, citrus fruits, succulents, and herbs were mixed and mashed then added to raw or cultured milk for magnificent health benefits.
In Ayurveda, it is believed that by adding a pinch of salt to lime or orange juice, energy is attained. The juice of grapes, pomegranates, and beets are used to treat anemia while pumpkin juice is administered to empty the body of parasites.
Even in the US where traditional medicine is the most prominent, the practice of drinking juice for medicinal purposes exists – even among the nay-sayers of holistic remedies. While an apple a day is said to keep the doctor away, many turn to apple juice instead and orange juice is also consumed to keep a cold or flu at bay. Prune juice is commonly drank to clear constipation and grapefruit juice is a dieter’s best friend.
Those who do believe in the powerful benefits of juice as an alternative to modern medicine hold fast to their belief that juicing is virtually a cure all for everything from an upset stomach to cancer.
Modern Juicing
Juicing progressed through the ages from old presses that were difficult to maneuver to the modern juicers we know and love today.
The first official juicer was invented in the 1930s by a man named Norman Walker. It was large and awkward but much more effective than the old ways of trying to extract fresh juice from fruits and vegetables. The machine used a hydraulic press to get the juice out and although it was far from perfect, it went over like wildfire. Everyone who could afford one rushed out to get their juicers.
Today’s juicers have come a long, long way. Many people have juicing machines at home. Some are fancy and expensive but others are affordable and small.
The juicing machines found in juice bars are extremely effective at getting all the liquid out of the fruits and vegetables. They are also very convenient and…very expensive.
If you’re not up for buying your own juicer and learning the ins and outs of using it, you can always visit a juice bar that offers fresh juice, vegan juice, revitalizing juice shots juice-based smoothies, and other great drinks.
How Juice Bar Establishments Got Their Start
As juice grew more and more popular, the idea caught on to bring juice into eating and drinking establishments. The idea was so well received, juice bars began opening – first in hip places like around the beach and other spots where young, athletic, and health-conscious individuals frequent like the Beverly Hills Juice Club that opened in 1975.
Juice bars are trending now and are so beloved, it’s hard to imagine them not being found all across the country. There are those that serve nothing but juice. Those that serve organic juice and offer vegan juice as well and those that have other items on the menu too like healthy meals, acai bowls, smoothies, and so forth.
Juice bars are a craze that may never go out of style because drinking juice is refreshing and invigorating, and it is healthy too. You can meet a friend at a juice bar and visit while sipping a fresh juice beverage or grab a juice to go as you head to work or to the gym.
The medicinal value of juice served in juice bars and at home as well is extremely healthy so it not only tastes good while drinking it the perks continue long after the last sip.
Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Fresh Juice
Some of the most asked questions about juice include the following
Is juice naturally vegan juice? No. Additives are often added to juice that have animal byproducts in them such as gelatin that keeps juice from becoming cloudy. Vegan juice is typically labeled as such and contains no part of animal anything. If you are wanting vegan juice, you will want to seek out a juice bar that specifically offers vegan juice, like Nevera Juice Bar.
How Long Does Fresh Juice Last? Fresh juice (the really fresh kind with no preservatives) lasts about 24 hours in the refrigerator, typically. Saving it any longer than that isn’t safe.
Is juice healthy? Fresh juice is one of the healthiest ingredients you can put in your body. When you are ready to level up your health, handcrafted juice is the ultimate healthy beverage.
Fresh Juice Bar Near Me
To find a place that serves fresh juice, in your vicinity, simply conduct a search for “fresh juice bar near me.” If you live in Whittier, you’re in luck. Nevera Juice Bar has taken the city by a storm, serving up the best fresh juice around.