Lunch and Smoothie Drinks Moments that Everyone Can Pair

Smoothie drinks are more than just good fuel for the health of your body, they are an experience as well. You can reenergize with a smoothie drink, socialize over a nice cold smoothie, and have a smoothie as a healthy option to a soda or other sugar-laden beverage. You can even replace a meal with a smoothie.
What are Smoothie Drinks?
When you are craving smoothies to drink, it’s often because your body needs that extra burst of nutrition. Smoothie drinks are blended drinks that are made from different combinations of fruits, fruit juices, and even vegetables. They sometimes contain supplemental powders, milk, milk substitutes, and other ingredients.
Smoothie drinks are great as a snack, breakfast, and even as a meal substitute. Since they can be made using a variety of ingredients, they can be as healthy as you please – replacing sugar with other healthier sweeteners like honey.
Milk is often an ingredient that a smoothie is based in. Soy milk, almond milk, and other alternative forms of milk are used too. Even yogurt graces the ingredient list often. Juice is one of the most popular smoothie bases. When fruits and vegetables are put through a juicer to render the healthiest form of juice, a smoothie can be a super nutritious beverage.
Smoothie drinks originated over the years as people strived to create a drink that was delicious and nutritious – one that could serve many purposes. Orange Julius was one of the first smoothie/juice establishments on the scene. Opening in the 1920s, it went over so well, juice and smoothie bars came to be.
The blender was invented in 1939 which brought an all-new spin on the making of a smoothie. Juice bars like Nevera Juice Bar began springing up all over the nation – helping Americans become healthier while they enjoyed the company of others while sipping on delicious frozen concoctions that were healthy at the same time.
Benefits of Smoothies
The benefits of smoothies depend on the ingredients that are used in them. Since the sky is the limit to what a smoothie can include, you can customize your drink according to your nutritional purpose.
Fruit is usually used in smoothie drinks. Fruit is loaded with vitamins and minerals and fiber too. Bananas are the most commonly used fruit. You’ll get the benefits of potassium, vitamins B and C, and magnesium too. Bananas are not only filling, they add texture and sweetness to smoothie drinks. Bananas are great for gut health and also for keeping your body in overall good health.
Berries are a popular smoothie ingredient too. Berries are oozing with flavor and antioxidants along with plenty of vitamins and minerals. They help keep sickness and diseases away and are believed to help prevent cancer too. Strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are among the most favored in smoothie drinks.
Juice makes an excellent liquid base for healthy smoothies. You can choose from most any fruits and vegetables. Since juicing is a concentrate, you’ll get the benefits of whole fruits and vegetables without having to eat them. Just drink them up and enjoy all the vitamins and minerals you’re getting in a compressed dose. Orange juice, apple juice, carrot juice, and cranberry juice are some of the favorites where juices are concerned when making smoothie drinks. Think of all the nutrients you’ll be getting.
Yogurt is often used in a smoothie base. Yogurt is excellent for gut health when it has active ingredients in it. It wards away sickness and keeps your skin looking and feeling great. Yogurt adds a nice consistency to a smoothie mix.
If it’s vitamin D you are needing, add some milk to your smoothie. Milk is loaded with protein too so drink up! Pick whichever milk product works best for you and suits your purpose.
You can even add in some healthy ingredients that you wouldn’t normally get in your diet, like things you aren’t very fond of because the delicious taste of a smoothie can mask foods like kale and spinach. You’ll get the vitamins and minerals without the pain and suffering.
Powdered protein and other supplements can be added to your smoothie to boost the nutrient value even more. Some are for weight loss and some simply add vitamins and minerals. Whatever your needs are, you can fill when you customize your smoothie drink.
Top your smoothie off with a sprig of mint or some toasted coconut for even more nutrients. Nuts can be sprinkled atop too.
When considering the health benefits of smoothie drinks, you must also factor in what you are NOT getting. You’re not eating sugary snacks or unhealthy carbs. Some drink smoothies instead of having an alcoholic beverage so there’s no having to get a designated driver or dealing with the effects of a hangover. If you are drinking a smoothie rather than a soda, you’re much better off for it. You can even replace a meal with a smoothie and if you are watching your weight, that’s a big plus too.
Healthy Smoothie Drinks
Healthy smoothie drinks are taking the nation by a storm. You can make them yourself, find them at smoothie bars, or even grab one in your grocer refrigerated section. Smoothie are healthy – the perfect alternative to sugary drinks and junk food. The next time you are needing an energy boost or find yourself hungry for something healthy, why not grab a smoothie drink? Your body will thank you for it.
Smoothie Drinks Near Me
To find a place that serves smoothie drinks in your vicinity, simply conduct a search for “smoothie drinks near me.” If you live in Whittier, you’re in luck. Nevera Juice Bar has taken the city by a storm, serving up the best smoothie drinks and fresh juice around.